Here's what Bill Gates thinks of Elon Musk and Steve Jobs

Elon Musk and Steve Jobs have succeeded in the technology field in style, creating empires that have put them at the top of the list of the world’s richest tech entrepreneurs. Bill Gates, Mark Zukerberg, Larry Page and several others could also be added to this ranking. But if we are going to compare, some media have baptized Elon Musk as “the new Steve Jobs” because the two coincide in some attributes that do not characterize other successful entrepreneurs, such as being visionaries and media leaders.

Bill Gates has met both and in a Blooomberg Technology interview he explained why he does not consider Elon Musk to be the next Steve Jobs when the journalist asked him about this in particular. For Gates this comparison is an “oversimplification” as they are very different: “Elon is more of a hands-on engineer, Steve was a genius in design and people selection and marketing.”

Gates and Jobs were classic enemies for years, but reconciled at the end of the Apple founder’s life, they came to like each other. The former CEO of Microsoft has confessed his admiration for Jobs for his leadership skills, but above all for his ability to speak in public and enchant an audience, something he has never achieved, as he acknowledged.

Bill Gates has not hesitated to criticize Musk and has expressed having some differences with the co-founder of Paypal, Tesla, SpaceX, Hyperloop and Neuralink, among other companies. “Electrification is not an option for many types of transportation” that need to travel long distances, he wrote in this blog post. To this post Musk responded by saying he “has no idea” about electric trucks. Gates has also charged against the South African tycoon for his statements and tweets in which he claimed that quarantine and social distancing measures by COVID-19 were fascism by considering it in forced incarceration. After these dialectical clashes (and some more) it is clear that both billionaires are not going to be the best of friends, at least for now.

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