Apple Pay prepares its imminent arrival in Mexico

For years the Apple Pay service has been present in the United States and Canada, and since 2018 it has been present in Brazil, without announcing its expansion to Latin America.

However, a signal coming from Cupertino indicates that the arrival in Mexico of the digital wallet will be in the coming days, also opening the regional expansion.

Apple added an Apple Pay landing page to its Mexico regional website late Tuesday, indicating that the mobile payment system could launch in the country imminently.

Another major indication for the arrival of the service in Mexico is that several users commented that they were able to enter their Banregio bank cards into the wallet application and that all that was missing was the verification process.

One of the questions about this is whether there will be other banks present in the agreement.

The specialized site Macrumors advances a possible answer to the users’ doubt:

“That remains uncertain, as the Apple Pay page on Apple’s Mexican website does not offer a launch date and does not list any bank that will be integrated with the service. All it says is that Apple Pay will support “credit and debit cards from major payment networks issued by multiple banks,” which sounds a lot like Visa, MasterCard and American Express,” they added.

Apple maintains a full list of countries where Apple Pay is available on its support site.

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