Alexa is down and not working: how to know when it fails

Alexa is down and not working: how to know when it fails

  • 3 Min To Read
  • Thursday, Sep 15, 2022

    We are going to explain how you can check if Alexa is down or is having some errors on its servers, or if there is any problem you are having with your connection. All applications and cloud services can have some occasional problem from time to time, and Alexa is no exception. And of course, when this happens, you never know if it is because there is a general downtime or if you are having a problem yourself.

    That’s why we’re going to explain how to find out, using quick and easy methods so you can do it without wasting too much time. We’ll start with a quick check to see if it’s your home connection, and then we’ll go on to tell you the two things you can do to quickly check if it’s a general downtime.

    First check that it’s not your connection

    The first thing you need to do is check if there is a one-off problem that might have to do with Alexa and your connection. To do that, look at your speaker. If an orange light appears, it is because you are configuring it or it is trying to connect to the Internet. So, there you know you might be having a problem.

    To find out for sure, you can check if other devices connected to your WiFi are working properly. For example, you can try browsing with your cell phone and see if everything is OK. To rule out occasional errors, you can also try restarting Alexa to see if you still have the error when you turn it back on.

    Connection checks can also be done on the PC. Just check first that other websites and services are working for you. If everything is working correctly on your devices, then it is possible that the error is on the Alexa servers.

    How to know if Alexa is down

    To check if Alexa is down, the quickest way is to resort to some specific websites to check the status of their servers. For example, you can enter Alexa’s profile on the DownDetector website. There, it will show you a graph with the evolution of the problems reported by other users. When Alexa fails, you should see an upward curve indicating that many people are saying that it is failing them.

    The other more reliable method is to see if Twitter is talking about it. The best thing to do is to go to Amazon’s official accounts, such as the Amazon Help profile where they will be responding to users and indicating if there are errors on their servers.

    You can also check the #Alexa hashtag on Twitter, as people will be indicating it to say that this service is failing them. There are always people who may be experiencing occasional failures, but if you see that suddenly there are many messages talking about an Alexa failure, then it is because it may be something generalized.

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